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April 2023

Published on 4/6/2023


It’s Spring!  The days are getting longer, and I hope you are enjoying the longer evenings and the opportunity to get out and walk, bike, garden, or whatever activity that interests you!

We just wrapped up Procurement Month – the NIGP motto this year was “Celebrate what you do today and every day because no matter the circumstance, public procurement professionals… Procure On!”  I was excited to see that the National Lieutenant Governor’s Association passed a resolution recognizing public procurement as an “essential function of government” stating “state and local governments everywhere are supported by a highly qualified and dedicated procurement staff who demonstrate professionalism on all levels and understand the importance of the work they perform”.  It is so validating to have another organization recognize the value of your profession!

Our Excellence in Procurement Summit was held hybrid this year – our second hybrid offering since the beginning of the pandemic.  In addition to our strategic planning session, Marcheta Gillespie, MG Procurement Consulting & President of NIGP Code & Consulting, joined our chapter in person to present “Effective Endings: Creating Highly Effective Scopes of Work and Creating Value and Savings for Your Organization”.  I think we all walked away with something to implement or tweak at our agency.  And we got a shout out from Marcheta on social media for our efforts to create a hybrid experience!

A huge thanks to those who worked hard to be able to provide the Summit virtually!  Online: Victor Leamer, Sam Miller, Linda Hodgson, Anna Vogel, Erin Hamilton, Rena Jackson, Connie Wahl and Regan Givens and in-person:  Kristin Bruington, Stacy Hupp, Ginny Justiniano, and Barbara Browning.   These events are like planning your event twice – one for the virtual experience, one for the in-person experience.   It truly takes a village!

I challenge all of you, whether you attended Summit or not, to think about your organization and where you can bring value and find savings for your organization – think about hard costs (sourcing, contract administration, contract renewal, spend analysis, contractor contribution and sourcing alternatives),  soft costs (process mapping, technology assessments, talent management), cost avoidance (policy, process, talent management, risk assessment) and revenue generating opportunities (cooperative contracts, p-card, surplus sales, outsourcing services, debt collection, etc.).  In November we will be asking agencies to report out on the steps they are taking to bring value and drive savings!    Get started by identifying and prioritizing your steps, collecting data, identifying roles and responsibilities, communicating, training, and providing customer service!

We are continuing to update and refine our website and working on our Chapter Performance Standards Seal Application (national award for chapter operations). Be on the lookout for some upcoming surveys – social activities (Mariner’s Game, chapter dinner, etc.) and one for strategic planning (another article in this newsletter!). And our 20th Anniversary Team is continuing to plan a celebration for October of this year.  As soon as we have dates set, we’ll get them on the chapter website calendar!


If you are a new or emerging professional, you’ll want to check out the article about VCON (virtual conference) in June…this event will be geared towards our emerging professionals.  NIGP will be providing some scholarship opportunities for reduced registration. This is a great way to gain knowledge and pick up some credits towards your certification!

Enjoy the hope that spring brings, the new life, time with family/friends and I hope to see you at one of our social events this spring/summer!!

Maija Lampinen, CPPB, NIGP-CPP

Washington State Chapter President


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