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These are the committees defined within Washington State Chapter of NIGP . Click the view members link or the committee name to see a list of committee members. If visible for a committee, click the More info to view additional information about the committee. If there are subcommittees, a list of subcommittees will be displayed. Click on the name of the subcommittee to view the members.
Board of Directors
The governing body of this Chapter shall be an executive Board called the Board of Directors, chaired by the President, and consisting of the President, immediate Past President, Vice-President, Membership Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and standing Committee Chairs.
By-Law Review Committee
Time to review By-Laws! The last by-law review was in 2015 - times change and we want to ensure our organizational structure remains valuable and relevant!
Community Involvement Committee
This committee coordinates opportunities for our members to participate in charitable events. •Plan & organize events for charity •Partner & participate with various non-profit organizations to give back to the community
Education and Research Committee
The Education and Research Committee’s primary responsibilities are to plan, establish, and coordinate educational programs, subject to approval by the Board, which further the knowledge, expertise, and professionalism of the Chapter Members, such as organizing workshops and NIGP seminars, and towards certification (CPPB and CPPO) of the Chapter members.
Emerging Professionals Committee
The WA-NIGP Emerging Professionals (EP) Program focuses on the future of our profession by supporting the growth and success of current, new, and future public procurement, contracting, and supply chain professionals. This program aims to help members establish and reach for their learning, advancement, and excellence goals by creating opportunities for emerging professionals to build relationships, expand skills, and advance careers while continuing to promote ethics of the profession, public trust, and applicable laws, policies, and procedures.
Events Committee
The events committee ensures that both the in-person and virtual attendance of our general and special meetings is great for our members! This team handles catering, snacks, setup, tear down and other related items! On the virtual side, the team ensures that the virtual experience is interactive and helps troubleshoot technical issues. Join us!
Finance Committee
Members of this workgroup earn contact hours that can be used toward certification. The average/expected time commitment is 1 hour per month. The Finance workgroup primary responsibilities are to: plan, establish, and execute the chapter’s financial program; prepare and present the chapter’s annual report; prepare and review financial analyses and statements; and supervise, coordinate, and review the Committee’s budget proposals for the year and present an annual budget at the general membership annual meeting.
Honors and Awards Committee
This Committee is composed of the following four members: Vice President (Chair), Chair of the Education committee, Chair of the Membership Committee, and a member at large from chapter membership, nominated by the President and approved by the Board of Directors. This Committee shall be responsible for the preparation of the annual Honors and Awards event, as well as the development and administration of procedures, criteria, and final selection of recipients for the following annual Chapter awards: Public Procurement Professional (Buyer) of the Year Award and the Public Procurement Manager of the Year Award.
Legislative Liaison Committee
Monitor proposed and enacted legislation Provide a forum for members to understand proposed and enacted legislation and provide feedback Provide tools and resources for member legislative research Evaluate suggested changes made by membership Organize and lead legislative-related events.
Lunch and Learn Committee
The Lunch & Learn Committee offers complementary growth opportunities to public procurement professionals by providing virtual educational events. The goal is to drive personal procurement development, industry networking, and interagency support through collaborative meetings, discussions, training sessions, colleague panels, or presentations. The events will be planned, promoted, presented, and produced by the Lunch and Learn (L&L) committee to bring together members or interested public procurement professionals in an informal atmosphere to collaborate and learn.
Membership Engagement Committee
The Membership Engagement Workgroup focuses on recruiting new chapter members as well as helping support and retain existing members. We strive to develop programs and create opportunities for potential and new members to learn about WA-NIGP, take advantage of opportunities, and get connected. Workgroup meetings are held via phone/video monthly. Members of this workgroup earn contact hours that can be used toward certification. The average/expected time commitment is 1-2 hours per month. This Workgroup’s primary responsibilities are to: support WA-NIGP recruiting and retention; help potential members understand the chapter and take the most advantage of our benefits; and provide value to members.
Newsletter Committee
The Committee collects articles, prepares, edits, and publishes the Chapter's newsletter. Newsletters are published in the following months: February April June August October December
Nominations and Elections Committee
The Nomination and Elections Workgroup helps facilitate our chapter’s annual officer election process. This workgroup is a short-term commitment, with activities taking place late-October through December of each year. Members of this workgroup earn contact hours that can be used toward certification. Activities include: soliciting nominations compiling candidate profiles creating and distributing electronic ballots, and tallying and reporting results.
PR and Marketing Committee
The Public Relations and Marketing Committee’s primary responsibilities are: to inform the Membership of Chapter cultural and educational activities as well as social events. shall collect articles, prepare, edit, and publish the Chapter’s newsletter. may collect and send articles to members’ local newspaper, to NIGP, etc., to publicize individual achievements, as well as those of the Chapter.
Reverse Trade Show Team
Coordinate with DES, MRSC, PTAC & APEX to provide opportunities for WANIGP agency members to participate in Reverse Trade Shows.
Scholarship Committee
The Scholarship Program assists members who are interested in furthering the development of their procurement skills that may otherwise be unable to do so. To learn more about how to apply for a scholarship, go to the “Member Benefits” tab. The Committee’s primary responsibilities are to: *Support the professional development of members *Develop and promote scholarship opportunities *Evaluate, award, and track scholarships *Manage scholarship budget. Time commitment: 1-2 hours a month Contact:
Short Term/Ad Hoc Volunteer Pool
Collect names of members interested in volunteering on a short term basis - at a event, for a short project, etc.

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