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Lunch and Learn: Clean Building Performance Standards & Legislation
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About this event
Come join us as the Washington Department of Commerce presents the new Clean Building Performance Standards and how they will impact you. They will share an overview of the requirements for different buildings, what types of projects / contracts may be needed, compliance timelines, and where to find more resources on this topic.
Residential and commercial buildings are the second-largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Washington, accounting for 27% of statewide emissions. Energy-efficient buildings are essential to meet statewide greenhouse gas emissions limits. With the life of a building spanning at least 50-100 years, retrofitting our existing buildings to use less energy is the most cost-efficient way to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
To meaningfully reduce these emissions, the legislature passed Clean Buildings Laws in 2019 (HB 1257) and 2022 (SB 5722) to: 1. Create an energy performance standard for non-residential buildings larger than 50,000 square feet; and 2. Require energy management planning, operations and maintenance and the tracking of energy use over time for non-residential buildings larger than 20,000 square feet and multifamily buildings over 20,000 square feet.
The Clean Buildings Performance Standard consists of ASHRAE Standard 100-2018, Energy Efficiency in Existing Buildings, with state amendments WAC194-50. The standard applies to Tier 1 and Tier 2 covered buildings.
The compliance deadline is approaching fast, this is a webinar you don’t want to miss!
Videoconference information will be provided in an email once payment is received.
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