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2024 Procurement Specialist of the Year

Published on 1/29/2025

WA-NIGP 2024 Procurement Professional of the Year


Julie Denton has more than 13 years of experience in public procurement, contract administration and supply management.   Julie is currently a Senior Procurement Specialist for the City of Vancouver and is responsible for the procurement of public works construction projects including contract administration for each of her projects.  Julie has sought out and earned not only her CPPB but was also the first in our organization to achieve her NIGP-CPP.  She is a dedicated procurement professional who is not only committed to the success of the organization but of her team as well.


Julie is devoted to the profession and takes every opportunity to enhance her skills and increase her procurement knowledge.  Not only is she willing to help her team members grow in their procurement journey, but she is also willing to help staff at other agencies grow and learn more abut the profession.  Julie informally mentors procurement staff at other local agencies as well as those on her team, all while maintaining a full workload. She is also always willing to provide training to internal customers to help them learn more about procurement and how we partner with them to get their projects completed. 


Julie is active at the national level of NIGP and has participated in a multitude of trainings offered by WANIGP.  She is always looking for ways to promote our department as a partner throughout our agency and she promotes the procurement profession as well. 


Congratulations Julie on your selection as WA-NIGP’s 2024 Procurement Professional of the Year! 

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