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Q3 2024 Presidents Message

Ginny Justiniano, NIGP-CPP, CPPB | Published on 8/14/2024

Happy Summer WANIGP members!

The Pacific Northwest weather has finally delivered a few sun-breaks and heat waves here and there. The Board of Directors is continually hard at work and meeting on a monthly basis to discuss tasks at hand and strategizing on how to continue to grow our membership not just in numbers but in engagement.


Since my last President’s message, I am pleased to announce the appointment of our new Educational and Research Committee Pro D Chair, Erin Buch of Sound Transit effective June 13th. Erin brings lots of experience and enthusiasm to this position and engaging her committee on how to better serve the member- ship on their professional development journey. A member survey is forthcoming in the fall, and we need your input on what types of training you as a member is seeking for growth and/or preparing for your certification(s) or recertification process.


The Emerging Professional Joint Round Table session on June 13th was an enormous success and had close to 70 registrants for this event. As Co-Chair of this program, I could not help but feel proud of our emerging professional members testimonials from Sa- rah Hastings of Port of Skagit and Melissa Irwin of City of Ridgefield and the support from our NIGP affiliates from SAMPO and RMGPA. The planning committee members was instrumental in making sure this collabo- ration was a success. Cheral Manke my co-chair and I have also been selected by NIGP to be part of their in- augural Procurement Excellence Showcase this year at the Annual Forum in Charlotte, NC and where only 40 applications are accepted. We will be showcasing our Emerging Professionals Program- Bringing New and Experienced Professionals Together for Growth and Success submittal through a display of our presentation poster to fellow conference attendees. Attendees will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite topics and celebrate the winners during the Tuesday morning Plenary session.


I am also pleased to announce that we have over 100 delegates attending virtually and in-person NIGP’s 80th Annual Forum and Product Expo in Charlotte, NC. I presented a 60-minute Zoom session to some of our first timers, seasoned and still undecided attendees on tips and tricks to prepare for Forum. A recording of the session is now available in our new You Tube channel. Click here to view the recording

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The planning efforts for the upcoming Fall conference scheduled for October 8th with our partnership with the Department of Enterprise services is coming along. Registration is now open at Washington Procurement Connect: Strengthening Your Business | Department of Enterprise Services (DES). We have several of our members participating in the education portion of the conference. This free event will be held in per- son at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center. WANIGP members will receive their certificate of attendance upon official confirmation from DES. Our Education and Research Committee will determine the appropriate contact hours and communicate that back to the members.


In closing, I want to both challenge and congratulate new and longtime members of this Chapter to continue to be engaged, support and seek to participate by volunteering and attending our offered classes and events. The Committee Chairs are hard at work to ensure you have a positive experience and eventually give back to the profession. Thank you for your time and attention.


Ginny Justiniano, 2024 President 


Lead Contract Specialist,

BFI King County International Airport

King County International Airport - Boeing Field - King County, Washington

7277 Perimeter Road S.

Seattle, WA 98108

(206) 263-9393

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